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See my CV for a fuller list.


2023Voice from syntax to syncretism. Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.
Under reviewGreek stative passives as small non-passives.
Under reviewThe argument structure of Turkish verbal reflexives. (with Faruk Akkuş)
Under reviewReflexivity and external argument introduction: Insights from Greek.
2024The syntax of Greek split reciprocals. Syntax. (with Martin Salzmann)
2023Anaphora and agreement in the Turkish DP: Delimiting binding-through-Agree. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. (with Faruk Akkuş)
2023First conjunct clitic doubling in Modern Greek: Evidence for Agree-based approaches to clitic doubling. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. (with Martin Salzmann)
2023First Conjunct Clitic Doubling, the Person Case Constraint, and First Conjunct Agreement: Insights from Modern Greek. Glossa Special Collection 309: Multivaluation in Agreement. (with Martin Salzmann)
2023Visibility and intervention in allomorphy: Lessons from Modern Greek. Linguistic Inquiry.


To appearBlocking effects. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology, ed. by P. Ackema, S. Bendjaballah, E. Bonet, and A. Fábregas. (with David Embick and Johanna Benz)
ForthcomingThematic reversals in stative non-passives. In Proceedings of NELS 55.
To appearTurkish verbal reflexives and movement. In Proceedings of NELS 54. (with Faruk Akkuş)
To appearFirst conjunct clitic doubling: Evidence for Agree-based approaches. In Proceedings of WCCFL 39. (with Martin Salzmann)
2023Reciprocal = Floating quantifier + anaphor: Evidence from Greek discontinuous reciprocals. In Proceedings of NELS 53, ed. by Suet-Ying Lam and Satoru Ozaki. Amherst, MA: GLSA. (with Martin Salzmann)
2023Phrasal layering versus complex heads in Greek stative passives. In Proceedings of NELS 53, ed. by Suet-Ying Lam and Satoru Ozaki. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
2022First Conjunct Clitic Doubling: Implications for Theories of the PCC and Approaches to First Conjunct Agreement. In CLS 57: Proceedings from the 57th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. (with Martin Salzmann)
2022Reflexivization, intransitivity, and Voice. In Proceedings of PLC 46.
2021Binding through Agree in Turkish. In Proceedings of NELS 51, ed. by A. Farinella & A. Hill. Amherst, MA: GLSA. (with Faruk Akkuş)
2021Default by intervention: Allomorphy and locality in the Modern Greek verb. In Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, Vol 6.1, ed. by P. Farell.
2021Implicit complements and the identity condition on ellipsis. In CLS
56: Proceedings from the 56th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
2020The Anaphor Agreement Effect in the nominal domain: Evidence from Turkish. In Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, Vol
5.1, ed. by P. Farell. (with Faruk Akkuş)
2021Penn Working Papers in Linguistics: Proceedings of the 44th annual Penn Linguistics Conference, Vol 27.1. (with Alexandros Kalomoiros)